Instructor introductions

History & culture masters
Hofukuji Temple Okichi Memorial Hall
18-26 1 chome Shimoda

What is the specialty of this instructor?

History talk at Okichi Memorial Hall in Hofukuji Temple


Hiroko Takeoka


Hiroko san


I was born and raised in Shimoda. I left Shimoda and entered the dormitory of my collage in Tokyo. When a skinny himono, dried fish was served, I said "This is not himono !" The fish body should be thicker and tasteful and have more flavor ! What I took for granted since my childhood was Shimoda's treasure. How happy I was. And although there are things attractive in any place, the treasure that can never be replaced is history. I am telling the story of Tojin Okichi to guests who visit us day by day. I enjoy talking with customers on topics of history and the charms of Shimoda through Okichi story.


The clear blue sky and the cobalt sea. Southern wind brings scent of tide into the town. Delicious fish and shellfish delivered brought from seaside. Also, we played tag ! with friends in a mountain of oranges. When I got tired, I climbed up a tree and ate a fresh orange, a delicious 'New Sanma' ! Local people call "New Sanma" in stead of New Summer Orange. New Sanma is much more familiar.

My recommendations

History of my household
The grave of Tojin Okichi (tragic heroine at the opening of Japan era) is with us at Hofukuji Temple. The story of her life has been performed in plays, songs and dances. The Memorial Hall opened, 65 years ago. Temple of Okichi has supported tourism of Shimoda since the 1950s. All the staffs of the Memorial Hall love Tojin Okichi. I'm sure we can offer you a pleasant visit only when we have affection for Tojin Okichi.
Our specialties!
I can always guide you. Especially Wednesday is a day of "History Talk," so please listen attentively to my emotional talk. Furthermore, as for Ryoma Sakamoto, it was here he was overlooked the sin of escaping his feudal domain. Did you know that? If you would like to hear the narrative in detail, please ask me. I am willing to talk about him.
Great dating spots in Shimoda (with bittersweet memories of local guides)
When couples want to take a walk quietly, 'Waka no Ura Promenade' is recommended. A small alley continues along a rocky shore. You can spend relaxing time while wrapped in the sound of waves and scent of the tide. While sitting on a rock and watching the Islands, it is good to have lunch with rice balls. What is my memories? (It is secret)
Hofukuji Temple of Okichi and Ryoma.
Visitors to Okichi's grave never cease.
I talk enthusiastically about Okichi and Ryoma.

Guide to Shimoda

We can answer your inquiries and provide extra information.

Mr. Tanaka
Ms. Aoki


Feel free to contact us to learn more about Shimoda.

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