Instructor introductions

What is the specialty of this instructor?
Professional SurferName
Takamitsu ShinjiNickname
I was born in 1982, in Izu Shimoda. I am a Patagonia Ambassador, ISA certified Surf coach, LEVEL 2 JPSA certified professional surfer, NSA certified instructor, Surfing Maritime Safety Instructor. Major achievements : World Junior Championships entry in1996. All Japan Championship boys class champion in 1998, World Championship Portugal participation. All Japan Championship junior class champion in 1999, World Junior Championship Australia entry in 2000, World Championship Brazil entry. All Japan Junior Championship 2nd place in 2011. Acquiring JPSA official professional qualifications, WQS Rally in 2010. I am now active as JPSA professional surfer and a travel surfer. I founded RINE Surf School in 2014 and started YSC surf coaching.Comment
I often played in the sea and I started surfing because there was a sea and a surfboard. As I grew up in Izu, Shizuoka, affluent with natural essence, I entered the sea everyday. While participating in numerous contests domestically and overseas, I feel surfing life even at trips and free surfing. Recently, I have started activities at my RINE SURF. While working as a coach, I am focusing on the development of surfing culture, improvement of surfing technology, and training of kids. At my school, I only run small and personal lessons, so that everyone can enjoy. When, what time to start and how long depends on students' convenience. School accepts only 1 group at a time and 1 instructor teaches less than 7 students. (ISA authorized lesson method) Everyone enjoys at the same time instead of taking turns. I continue to support even after school by e-mail, phone, etc. I know how to improve and I teach intensively for a person who is eager to achieve higher stages, though I generally offer simple and easy methods for children, women, elderly people, who are not confident. I never miss safety aspects for those who are not good at water.I'm conducting a school in a unique way with my knowledge in specialized coaching. I'd like to teach how to enjoy surfing and that's why I am waiting for your at RINE SURF.
My recommendations
- The most favorite place in Shimoda
- Our specialties!
I can make a time schedule at your convenience even if you are a small number of people. You can enjoy different feelings in terms of safety, improvement and guiding quality, as we are a school under a new surf coaching method.
- The most favorite spot in the ocean of Shimoda and what makes the spot so special
My favorite sea in Shimoda is Kisami Ohama Beach. Because I was born and raised by this beach.
This instructor is guiding this program.
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