Experience of making Himono, dried fish (Hoei)

Throughout a year
Dec.20 - Jan.31, dried fish making is suspended... to open a food stall in the Daffodil Festival (at Tsumekizaki)
1 people 1,500yen~

Outline of the program

Make himono(traditional dried fish) with fresh aji (saurel). 5 aji(saurel) will be served to cut open to be dried.
We will take care of the subsequent work. Finished himonos will be taken home or sent by delivery service.
The taste of your own himono must be exceptional !

Program schedule

Hoei Store (1555-4 Susaki, Shimoda City) sells dried fish and other home-made processed marine products. You can cook & eat what you purchase at our "irori (open hearth)" (reservation required).
We also offer popular ”Sea Side Lunch ” near the sea after experiencing dried fish making at Houei factory (973-1 Suzaki, Shimoda City). Please watch our HP for details.

Availability of English guides on the day of the activity

Japanese only

Detail of the program

Venue ⁄ location Hoei Himono Factory
Available period Throughout a year
Dec.20 - Jan.31, dried fish making is suspended... to open a food stall in the Daffodil Festival (at Tsumekizaki)
Available period
Hours of registration 9:00am - 4:00pm
Length of the program 30 minutes
Reservation Required
Toilet Yes/ Cabin
Kiosk Yes
Necessity of bringing something to eat Yes
Place to eat Yes

Required items to bring

Precautions ⁄ remarks

Details of the fee

1 person : 2,000yen, making 5 aji(saurel) himonos (dried fish). (tax included) Extra fee for Cool Express Home Delivery : 1,150yen -, if you need.
Remarks concerning the fee
Payment method Cash on the day
Cancellation fee On the day and non-participation without notice: 100%
Reservations accepted from Throughout a year
Reservations accepted until 4:00pm, 2 days before
Maximum number of people accepted through the reservation 1~50 people

Meeting place ⁄ map

Meeting place (name) ⁄ meeting time

Hoei Himono Factory (973-1 Suzaki Shimoda City)

Meeting place (address ⁄ access)

16 minutes drive from Shimoda Station

Reservation ⁄ inquiry

English service for making reservations and inquiries No support in English. Please contact to 'seamon' by phone or email.
Name Hoei
Address 1555-4 Suzaki Shimoda (shop) / 973-1 Suzaki (factory)
TEL ⁄ FAX   Fax.0558-27-2080
When you make a reservation or inquiry on the phone or via FAX, tell the instructor that you saw the Sea-mon website.
Business hours 9:00am - 5:00pm
Closed Irregular holiday
Website http://www.houei.com

Guide to Shimoda

We can answer your inquiries and provide extra information.

Mr. Tanaka
Ms. Aoki


Feel free to contact us to learn more about Shimoda.

The information on this website is subject to change. Please contact individual offices, stores, or the Seamon Shimoda Guide office (TEL: 0558-22-5255) for more detail.