Keita’s Walking Tour for foreign tourists (EZ-Stay)

Throughout a year
Irregular days off. No tours during the summer.
1 people 3,500yen~

Outline of the program

We will take you out for a stroll about the city of Shimoda, showing you the history and the natural beauty.
During the tour, you can experience what you cannot on usual occasions, at Japanese style houses and shops.
We will take you to Instagram points and make suggestions about sightseeing and good eating places.
A light meal provided.

You can stay at EZ-Stay, from 1 to 10 persons. (Ask for details.)

Program schedule

Starting from EZ-Stay →visiting temples → visiting some traditional stores and some other places → looking around private houses and daily life in Shimoda → getting back to EZ-Stay.
The course is 2km long and it takes 3 hours from 10:00-16:00.
(The time and the course can be changed)

Availability of English guides on the day of the activity

Guided in English

Detail of the program

Venue ⁄ location 1-12-9 Higashihongo Shimoda
Available period Throughout a year
Irregular days off. No tours during the summer.
Available period
Hours of registration 10:00am - 4:00pm
Length of the program 3 - 4 hours
Reservation Required
Toilet Yes / dotted in the course
Kiosk Yes/ in the course
Necessity of bringing something to eat A light meal is provided
Place to eat Yes

Required items to bring

Drinks, a hat/cap, clothing suitable for walking, camera

Precautions ⁄ remarks

It is a walking course of about 2 km long and a program only for foreign tourists.(Japanese attendants are allowed to join) ※ Moderate fitness level.

Details of the fee

3500yen/person (tax included)
Remarks concerning the fee
Payment method Cash on the day
Cancellation fee On the day and non-participation without notice : 100%
Reservations accepted from Throughout a year
Reservations accepted until Previous day, 8:00pm
Maximum number of people accepted through the reservation 1~6 people

Meeting place ⁄ map

Meeting place (name) ⁄ meeting time


Meeting place (address ⁄ access)

5 minutes from Shimoda Station walking along the river

Reservation ⁄ inquiry

English service for making reservations and inquiries English is available by phone.
Name EZ-Stay
Address 1-12-9 Higashihongo Shimoda
TEL ⁄ FAX Tel.0558-27-2686 
When you make a reservation or inquiry on the phone or via FAX, tell the instructor that you saw the Sea-mon website.
Business hours 10:00am - 8:00pm
Closed Irregular

Guide to Shimoda

We can answer your inquiries and provide extra information.

Mr. Tanaka
Ms. Aoki


Feel free to contact us to learn more about Shimoda.

The information on this website is subject to change. Please contact individual offices, stores, or the Seamon Shimoda Guide office (TEL: 0558-22-5255) for more detail.